Maple sap is just starting to run

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Living the good life
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Maple sap is just starting to run

Post: # 227415Post Minnesota »

The maple sap is just starting to run :icon_smile:
I make syrup a little differently that most.
I tap two large trees, each with a triple tap.
During the best part of the run, I get about
12 gallons of sap per day. I simmer large pots
full of sap on my woodstove all day and all night,
when it gets thick and most of the water is steamed out,
then finish with a rapid boil on the gas cookstove.
It ends up being very light, so I have learned
to add an ounce of crushed carmelized barley malt
to each 5 gallon pot using a tea ball.
This adds some color and a carmelly flavor that many Maple Syrup
Connoisseurs distain. But I ain't sellin' it them :mrgreen:

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