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Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:09 pm
by southeast-isher
thank you :-)

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 1:00 am
by trinder
Body balancing / realignment is a phrase which is thrown about quite a bit. I don't want to be patronising nor do I know enough to claim to be a specialist in any way but from what I have gained from trying to understand and follow. I believe it has helped me. My first observation I that they don't tell you the obvious. i.e. if you are a "in the zone - comfortable sort of person" maybe you can feel what they tell you straight off, but if you are a stressy sort of tense person muscle relaxation can take ages.

I say this because with body balancing you start off laying on the floor and you have to check for even weight across every (floor) contact point . So thing like are your heels in line with your toes -then is there equal amounts of weight under your calves..etc etc all the way up your body.
his can take me 20 minutes to actually keep re adjusting my body - the principle is don;t go to what is comfortable keep focused on what is balanced and stay in that position for a couple of minutes ( this is the time it takes your brain to register the actual balance as opposed to the dysfunctional balance that you may have adopted due to an injury or just bad posture)
Once you are satisfied that they body is all in line you can relax it and allow the muscles to rebalance . This realignment every day then a couple of times a day can lead to being able to stand and walk and still retain the memory of perfect balance.
I hope this helps.

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:23 pm
by MKG
I don't get backache - at least not per se. What I do get is back attack. I can do just about anything I want to - there's no logic in this - but then I can simply be standing looking at something and WHAM. Sudden pain followed by complete loss of sensation throughout my lower back. And there's only one thing which can happen then - I fall to my knees. If I fall right, then in a few minutes I can stand up again and everything's back to normal. If I don't, I'm in for several days of groany-groany-occasionally ouchy back pain.

Nothing helps. I've had this since I fractured my neck 45 years ago. I've developed (a little) the art of falling absolutely vertically. That's my only guarantee of reduced agony.


PS - Sorry to be depressing.

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:43 am
by becks77
Swimming or perhaps very gentle guided yoga?
Hope you're on the mend soon
Becks x

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:37 am
by PlainQB
I recently hurt my back as a result of having a baby and all my joints loosening up. I've been seeing a physiotherapist and she's got me doing exercises strengthening the mussles around my tummy and pelvic flour and it's really helped. I've been doing the exercises lots each day and I've found there's less pressure on my back to hold myself up as my core muscles are doing more. So my advice:

- Get to a good physiotherapist as soon as possible, even if you have to pay.
- Stick with whatever exercises they give you and don't think, "oh, I'll just not do them this time".

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:00 am
by southeast-isher
Thanks. For the moment i've just been bending down with my knees instead of reaching forward. And applying tiger balm to the area which helps. Now it's back to normal. But i should do some exersizes to help the area.

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:57 am
by Pumkinpie
I am lying here with back ache. It's my own fault . Too much time at the lotty this morning . Picking all them yummy strawberries didn't help. It's using muscles that are not used to been worked that's giving me gip but knowing that is still not helping me sleep.
I am going to slap some natural muscle gel on, full of various essential oils . It smells but hopefully it will warm and ease my aching muscles and I can get some sleep as I have a busy day tomorrow.
If it does not work I might have to go down stairs and get a pain killer which I don't really want to do. Night night people, sleep tight . I hope I will!

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:25 am
by Pumkinpie
After a bad night I suppose I better get up and moving around. The muscle and joint gel worked for a while but the effects have worn off. One stiff and uncomfortable lady .
Good morning I only hope I can manage to do a few of the things I Intended to do as I can feel a afternoon kip coming .
Happy Thursday

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:52 am
by tizzy
One thing that doesn't seem to have been mentioned, unless I missed it somehow, is taking turmeric several times a day as a natural anti-inflammatory. Not only does it work, it will protect your stomach from the affects of NSAIDs if you are using them. Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:10 pm
by boboff
I find lying on my back with your legs bent like you're sitting, with your ankles rested on a coffee table or something helps. Even lying in bed with your knees up helps.

Also on the same google search they recommended sort of "doggy" position and just let your belly sag it may work but with a footpath near by I didn't want to risk it.

The other odd thing that helps is splitting logs! I am not sure if its the swinging or all the bending down, but it does get rid of it.

The other solace is that an attack only last about 6 weeks according to the Doctors!

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:50 pm
by Pumkinpie
Back on form. I have just got to be careful and not to overdo things. I will take things steady and in moderation and make sure I don't do to much. Thanks for the tips. The one about turmeric sounds very interesting.

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:44 pm
by Biscombe
i have a great pdf document I can send you with loads of back excercises given to be by my physio, helped me :icon_smile:

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:18 pm
by doofaloofa
A friend of mine has a couple of prolapsed disc which he manageswith an inversion table

He swears by it, and its fun for the rest of the family too

The table was pricey enough, but he recons well worth the money, and takes up a good bit of space, but he has a barn

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:30 pm
by Davie Crockett
One thing no one else has mentioned is hydration. Your discs are 90% water. When you are up and about all day, gravity (and lifting), squash some of the water out of the disc and it becomes compressed, trapping nerve roots in between the vertibrae.

Drink about a pint of water about an hour before bedtime.
Your discs will "Plump up" whilst you are horizontal and relieve the pressure on the nerves. I know there is an inconvenience in having to get up for the loo during the night. But I consider this trivial compared to the back pain I get without it.

Re: Any tips to help back ache.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:47 pm
by doofaloofa
The inversion table works along similar lines, alowing the vertibrae to move apart and alow the discs to reinflate

My mate was told by the back specialist that his only hope was fusing of the affected vertibrae which was only 70% successfull, 6 months of inversion therapy and he has full function without surgery