Why set the alarm clock?

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Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190349Post JulieSherris »

OK, so why set the alarm clock when the intention is to hit the snooze button 5 times before you plan on getting up???

That's what my hubby does & usually I never hear the alarm - I think I've successfully tuned it out....
Except this past couple of weeks, he has been in Dublin for work, so it's been peaceful here.
Left to my own devices, I wake up anywhere between 6.30 & 8 am anyway, but I hate being woken up by alarms - I guess it's because I have no strict timetable anymore :dontknow:

So then this morning.... 6am & the alarm goes off.... 6.10am... it goes off again.... 6.20am, yet again...
He was just about to get back into bed after hitting the snooze button & I shoved his pillows off the bed & told him that if I heard that alarm one more time, it was going out the window... THROUGH the window... closely followed by him!! :angryfire:

He got ready for work, & came for his coffee, leaving me to go back to sleep, which was now too late, because by now I was awake...... :angryfire:

There's no point to this post, except I just needed to get it off my chest! :lol:
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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190352Post Jinwin »

That drives me mad as well.
My friend has a really bad habit of doing that. When we shared a room when we were on holiday together, she hit the snooze button every ten minutes for two hours one morning! I woke up at the first one and just read until she finally got up! I'm the same as you, Julie, once it's got off the first time, I can't get back to sleep.
Disable the snooze button! Or get an old-fashioned alarm clock which doesn't have a snooze button!

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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190353Post JulieSherris »

Oh, I bought him the clock in the first place - it's one of those that projects the time onto the wall - which is great.....

But it's across the room, where he put it. His thinking was if he has to get out of bed to turn the alarm off, then he's up & that's that. Except it's not..... he jumps up, hits the button, & climbs back into bed - oh, so frustrating!

I'm going to buy him one of those things that jump off the side & roll around the floor - But I shall put it just by the bedroom door & point it down the hallway.... that'll fettle him :wink:
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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190368Post crowsashes »

my ex used to need an alarm to go to work not just one but 2 and one was like a fire alarm!, the worst thing was he would set it for random times, 6 am, 9 am 3 am!!! and he never actually woke up from it :angryfire: it was a flipping loud alarm clock the neighbours complained about! :banghead: i was the one who would have to wake him up. usually by running off in to the lounge with the duvet to watch morning tv. i had a 9am-7pm routine as i was at uni so really could have enjoyed consistency! i did get revenge though, i turned the alarm off, he didnt wake up and was late for work served himself right that did as i was sick to death of being exhausted from ridiculous wake up times.

anywhos, the new guy also has an alarm, he demands an alarm as he has to get a 6am train most days. which is fine as thats the time i get up, what p******* me off though is i leave the curtains in the bedroom open, just the front window, as theres no houses over looking and its dark enough for me to sleep, but also perfect to wake me up naturally as the sun comes up ( the best way for me to wake up as im not tired or grumpy) he complains he cant sleep with the curtains open. so he has this habit of closing them when im asleep, then he moans i dont get up at 6 with him AND that im grumpy and still tired! :angryfire: it takes me bout an hour to function if ive gone from total darkness to morning light. well i have got revenge again :mrgreen: i switched the thick heavy curtains for thin voiles so even if he does close the curtains i STILL wake up all happy and refreshed! :lol: :lol: i dont think he realises though how hard it is to do kiddie raising when your exhausted.

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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190373Post Green Aura »

Aaaaaaarrrgggghhhh - I hate alarm clocks too. Especially my OHs.

It's a perfectly normal, inoffensive little thing with no snooze button or fancy anything. But which, for reasons he can't explain, is set half an hour fast. It wakes him sufficiently to reset it on autopilot and then he's straight back to sleep again. I think the idea is that he glances at the clock sees it's 8.30 and he'll jump out of bed. After twenty odd years, of course, he knows it's really only 8am.

And I, who don't have to get up for a 9am start, am now wide awake :banghead:

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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190377Post JulieSherris »

Maggie, yep!! Although ours is set 20 mins fast, so he knows that he doesn't have to get out of bed until the clock says 7...... so why set it for 6.20, when it's really 6am & then spend 40 mins 'snoozing', still giving him time for a teeth brushing & a coffee before leaving at the real 7 anyway? Humph!

You can tell it's made me grumpy today huh? :wink:
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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190378Post Gem »

My OH does the repeated snooze alarm thing. Very annoying. As I have to get up at random early times in the spring and summer (anywhere between 5 and 7) I have developed a 'register alarm - immediate wake up response'. This stops me waking him up and makes sure I dont oversleep. He on the other hand will snooze for HOURS before getting up whilst I have been woken up by the first alarm which is a real pain if i dont have to be up for once!

It got really bad when the alarm used to live on his side of the bed (plug issue). He would turn the alarm off before I had registered it and was horribly late once or twice as a result. Much fuming ensued :angryfire: . Now I keep the alarm which he hates (control thing) but I can't risk being late, it messes up my work too much.

Tbh he is a light sleeper anyway and I have had to subtly 'train' him (eg shouting and stamping) to not wake me up every few hours throughout the night whilst he tosses and turns. If I dont get at least 5 hours a night I get cranky!

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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190391Post Millymollymandy »

I just have my clock radio set to radio and mostly wake up at some point after it has come on, though I've also got a back up noisy alarm should I sleep later. Then I just get up immediately.

OH keeps hitting his snooze button but by this point I have been up for at least an hour so it doesn't bother me, even when it is bleeping away and he's downstairs having his 2nd cup of tea. I just ignore it and it goes off eventually.

Then again I'm often fast asleep on the sofa soon after 9pm cos I'm such an early bird. I'm glad we are an hour later here in France because daylight at 4am in England drives me nuts as it wakes me up too early. It doesn't get light before 6am here in NW France. :iconbiggrin:
boboff wrote:Oh and just for MMM, :hugish: (thanks)

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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190403Post Nomada »

I'm actually guilty of doing the repeat snooze alarm thing, despite several complaints from my bloke. :oops: I just don't sleep well in this flat, not with drugies for neighbours who think it's fine to play music at all hours. :angryfire: I'd play heavy metal early in the morning if it were'nt for my nice neighbours below. And yet, I jump out of bed before 9 every weekend day, despite having the intention to lay in bed till 12 :roll:
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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190491Post sleepyowl »

My other half has Radio4 come on at 7:00 & then at 7:15 a proper alarm comes on so you wake up gently
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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190576Post Green Rosie »

I have an alarm clock (without a snooze button) because without it I would not get up in time to do animals and get boys to school. That said I am usually awake before it goes off - EXCEPT on the days I forget to set it :roll:

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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190583Post fran »

We have a cocker spaniel who races up the stairs and jumps on the bed every day at 6.00 am. Great during the week, but the little **@! doesn't understand the concept of weekends!!!! :roll:
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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190587Post Rosendula »

We use our mobile phone alarms to wake us up individually. They're set to vibrate first, so we can usually turn it off before it makes a noise, but if we're in a deep sleep and don't wake up to that then the noise is a kind of back-up. What irritates me is when he presses snooze on his phone, then leaves it under his pillow while he goes to the loo and stuff so it goes off and he's not there.

I do press snooze on mine, but only because I had so many mornings several years ago where I would turn off the alarm, fall back to sleep and dream that I'd got up and was getting the kids ready for school. Each morning I would get further along my morning routine in my dream before I woke up - late. I think it was a survival thing because I was leading an exhausting life-style, working in a pub, doing a degree and bringing up kids. So these days I press the snooze. Sometimes I fall back to sleep, so it's very useful, other times I manage to get up and it goes off - in my pyjama pocket, so not disturbing anyone - while I'm making my coffee.

What I don't understand is my son! Well, he's a teenager, so I suppose I'm not meant to understand him, but he sets his alarm to go off about 1.5 hours before he's meant to get up SO THAT he can turn it off and go back to sleep until his second alarm goes off an hour later, which is when he starts pressing the snooze button several times. He eventually gets out of bed about 10 minutes before he has to leave the house in a mad rush. WHY? :dontknow:
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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190589Post theabsinthefairy »

Gave up alarm clocks with the stressful job - hurrah :cheers:

Now i wake up with the sun, obviously earlier in the summer and later in the winter. None of the animals is in the slightest bit interested getting up before daylight so no rush.

I used to get up with my teen for the school bus - but not being a natural morning person anyway I was TOLD to stay in bed until I awoke naturally as when woken I am unbearable - apparently - can't see it myself. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Why set the alarm clock?

Post: # 190591Post fran »

used to get up with my teen for the school bus - but not being a natural morning person anyway I was TOLD to stay in bed until I awoke naturally as when woken I am unbearable - apparently - can't see it myself.
Hadn't thought of trying that one!!!! :wink:
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