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Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ourselve

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:31 am
by QuakerBear
28. Get your religious group involved, the more the merrier.

29. Join your local residents association.

30. Be vocal, let others know what you're doing and why and don't be worried if they scoff or laugh. Just remember all the great people that have gone before you and made a stand.

31. Remember what George Fox said (I paraphrase) 'The Lord taught me to act fathfully in two ways; Inwardly to God and outwardly to Man'. I would also add that if one feels that something is true it is impossible not to act on that fact. Failure to perform the outward act means the inward sentiment is not held as a certianty.

32. Write letters.

33. Go on demonstrations.

34. Let others know what you've done already.

A small update: My chosen political party seem to be very difficult to get hold of. Once I have fully infiltrated them I shall be forced to shape them into a lean, mean, administrative machine as well as using them to change the world. Over and out :salute:

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ourselve

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:55 pm
by mrsflibble
I'm going to use some of the copious amounts of fleece I have to make a couple of these, but have no idea where to take them.

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ourselve

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:16 pm
by StripyPixieSocks
I'm sure not alot of people think of these things BUT:

35. Knit some premature baby clothes or blankets and donate them to your local maternity ward and even (I know it's not nice to think about but) some 'bunting' (?) I believe it's called... tiny, tiny still born premature baby clothes and blankets and donate them too as no one thinks about this much because it's upsetting but there are people out there who make this stuff and they are always struggling to find stuff

36. Send a package to a soldier... they really need stuff out there and even if you don't support the war those kids out there really need support and a little kindness right now.

I do believe if you have a named soldier you can send up to 4kg for free? don't quite me on that as it's just something I'm working on at the moment and haven't got all the details :)

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ourselve

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:10 pm
by sleepyowl
Do volunteer work which involves any specialist skills you have for the community (like therapies in a drop in centre for people with HIV)

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ourselve

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:25 pm
by Thomzo
If you are employed and your employer runs a scheme you can donate to charity using the Give As You Earn scheme in the UK. Basically, you donate a regular amount to charity from your gross salary. This means that the tax that you would have paid on that bit of your salary goes to the charity as well.

If you work for a business, see if that business has a scheme to sponsor charities. I work for Legal & General at the moment and they do absolutely masses for local charities. We have dress down days once a month; the company supports staff who do sponsored events and we hold regular fund raising events such as cake bakes and so on. The company matches anything that the staff raise. It's really interesting to see just how much difference can be made with quite small amounts of money.


Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ourselve

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:12 pm
by pumpy
I agree with Red,(22), we are currently "minding" our neighbour as her husband has recently been admitted to hospital.I would like to think,that if the time comes,somebody would do the same for us.

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ourselve

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:28 pm
by oldfella
pumpy wrote:I agree with Red,(22), we are currently "minding" our neighbour as her husband has recently been admitted to hospital.I would like to think,that if the time comes,somebody would do the same for us.
We do the same.

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ourselve

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:09 pm
by Amaranth
40. For a month eat for £1 a day (or £30 for the month) and donate the difference from your usual food amount to a charity that helps people learn to be self sufficient in food. For inspiration on doing your eating in a healthy way see

41. Help a group of friends get an allotment and help them get started with basic gardening.

42. Plant one row or one bed for the hungry on your allotment. Give the food to a neighbor, or a charity, or a group that collects fresh food for the hungry.

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ours

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:55 pm
by marshlander
43. When selling on a certain auction website tick the box and give a percentage or all of the proceeds to charity.

Ps. I'm still playing free rice now and again 4 years on! Still haven't got to level - well I won't say - don't want to look daft with all the clever clogs here! Yes it is in double figures cheeky!

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ours

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:09 pm
by wabbit955
44.stop eating palm oil help the orangatans
yes thats dose mean most super market chocolate

Re: 101 things to do to help people less fortunate then ours

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:19 am
by 2ndRateMind
Well done, Quaker Bear! I really hope your enthusiasm and committed resolve bear fruit, not only for others, but for your own mental calm and self-satisfaction.

Here's my suggestion: Get an allotment. Reduces food-miles, reduces agri-business profits, puts you in charge of what you eat, and whether it is treated with a cocktail of fungi-, herbi-, insecti-, and pesticides. Any glut, after eating fresh and preserving excess for you own use, can be donated to whichever worthy cause you care to support. Or just to the neighbours!