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101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:09 pm
by hamster
... in the spirit of the Atheist Bus Campaign.

I have mixed feelings about this, but in principle I think it's a wonderful idea to combat the more sinister incarnations of advertising by pasting affirming messages in public spaces!

So far I've come up with:

1. Your wrinkles probably aren't very obvious. Now, stop worrying and enjoy your life.
2. You probably aren't as fat as you think you are. Now, stop starving yourself and have a decent meal.
3. Your house probably doesn't smell. Now, stop buying air freshener and open the windows.
4. Your p*n*s probably isn't too small. Now, go and talk to women instead of buying a new car.
5. You probably have enough toys already. Now, go and ask your parents to spend some time with you instead.

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:43 pm
by The Riff-Raff Element
Fine bloody bunch of humanists they are if they really cannot think of ANYTHING better to spend £36-big-ones on. Still, that's religon for you :sunny:

6. Don't worry - you were probably adopted anyway;
7. It'll probably clear up with a drop of Savlon;
8. It really is supposed to look like that. No, really.

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:03 pm
by Clara
I like the original, and about time too, at least it has more sense of humour than those awful dayglo christian pun posters you see outside churches.

I like the sig quote someone has around here along the lines of "be yourself: those that matter don't mind and those that mind, don't matter".

But then if affirmation advertising took off, how long before the world looked like the inside of an 80s office "THINK!" etc :lol:

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:06 pm
by Green Aura
Stephen Green of pressure group Christian Voice said: "Bendy-buses, like atheism, are a danger to the public at large.

9) Go to work on a bus
10) Bendy good, four wheels bad

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:32 am
by jim
11. If you have to add cold it was too hot to start with ....

12.There is hope, humanity isn't innately good, but it is innately social.

13. The ability to kick a lump of leather between two white posts doesn't give anyone the right to suggest how you should smell/dress/shave, or any other bloody thing!

Don't really know why I included No. 11 but I remember shouting it at teenage daughter quite a lot.

Love and Peace

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:54 am
by Rod in Japan
14. Congratulations, you care even less than the BHA. Now, stop worrying and enjoy your life.*
15. You're going to die soon. Now, stop worrying and enjoy your life.

These pillocks seem not to have noticed the irony in their own message. When I start raising money to put signs on buses, I'll know to take a deep breath and maybe watch a video or something.

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:21 am
by invisiblepiper
15.Them as dies 'll be the lucky 'uns.
With total credit to Robert Louis Stevenson - and in memory of a dear friend, Ronnie Sinclair.

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:46 pm
by Helsbells
I find the bendy bus logo actually quite sad.

"be yourself: those that matter don't mind and those that mind, don't matter".
Exactuly what I was going to write, but then found you had done it already :tongue:

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:59 pm
by Milims
16 Don't have regrets have experiences

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:31 pm
by oldfella
Remember, politicians live on another planet, so the chance of them knowing anything about our world is very slight.

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:38 am
by snapdragon
can claim no credit for the sig line :lol: love it though, and it's apt for Ish I think

18. Be Excellent to each other

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:12 pm
by Thomzo
19. A little bit of dirt won't hurt you. So stop drenching your house in bleach and get a life.
20. A little bit of dirt won't hurt you. So stop buying vegetables suffocated in plastic and grow your own.
21. A little bit of dirt won't hurt you or your kids. So send them outside to play.
22. A little bit of dirt won't hurt you. So don't pave over your back garden, use it to grow veg instead.
23. A little bit of dirt won't hurt you. So stop using those silly hand wipes every five minutes.

Hmmmm - seem to see a pattern emerging here.


Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:17 pm
by Annpan
Helsbells wrote:I find the bendy bus logo actually quite sad.

"be yourself: those that matter don't mind and those that mind, don't matter".
Exactuly what I was going to write, but then found you had done it already :tongue:
It was Dr Suess who said it, just in case anyone is wondering :mrgreen:

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:53 pm
by Rosendula
Well said, Thomzo

24. A little bit of dirt won't hurt you, and no-one will know if you wear your jeans more than once before they get washed
25. A Little bit of dirt won't hurt you, so skip washing the skirting boards this week and do something useful for a change (inspired by Helsbells' message on 101 stupid things people have said to you)
26. Spiders make webs to catch flies to eat, so leave the cobweb alone, stop filling everyones lungs with fly killer and enjoy watching nature at work.
27. You will be admired more for not getting caught up in the trend for owning as much tat as possible, so stop taking out loans/credit cards/overdrafts and enjoy life
28. Live within your means, don't work half the week to pay the bank manager's wages
29. They may be family, but you don't have to put up with that.
30. Support your local community and they'll always be there for you.

I had another one but I can't remember it now. Aw, it's going to drive me mad :scratch:

Re: 101 other reassuring slogans...

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:52 pm
by Helsbells
25. A Little bit of dirt won't hurt you, so skip washing the skirting boards this week and do something useful for a change (inspired by Helsbells' message on 101 stupid things people have said to you)
Hee hee brilliant, thanks Rosendula, that really made me laugh.

Haveing ever washed my skirting boards....Never will!!!!!! :lol: