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Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:43 pm
by SarahJane
Ok , well I thought that I would be the first to post in the fit-ish club. ( I hope that is ok?)

Since my original post, I have tried very hard to watch what I am eating , and drinking. I have decided like alot of you others, I am NOT going to diet (again!!), just change my eating habits, hopefully long term.

The first change I have made this week is to try eating yoghurt again. I dont drink milk or eat eggs and as the only dairy produlct I really love is cheese and its so calorie laden, I decided to give yoghurt a try after ten years of not eating it. I actually enjoyed it! (Its also good fro my problem mouth, easy to eat!) . So my breakfast from now on is going to be yoghurt and a piece of fruit. First change-sorted!

Hope that everyone else is doing ok. :flower:


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:56 pm
by the.fee.fairy
I've made it a sticky so that it stays at the top.

I've been a bit of a failure so far. I'm just about to have pancakes for breakfast, and i've been drinking tea with one and a half sugars...

My beginning resolutions are:

1. Take the dog out every day during the week for at least half an hour (can't always guarantee it at the weekend - either i'm working, or i'm not here).
2. Cut down to 1 sugar in tea.
3. drink more fruit juice instead of fizzy pop!

I think these are going to be ok for me to follow for the next couple of weeks. I don't believe in denying myself things or making them 'bad' for me. If i tell myself that something's bad for me, then i want it more and more, so nothing is 'off limits', i just plan to cut down the not so healthy things bit by bit until i'm a bit more healthy.


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:07 pm
by LBR
My commitment is to put nice things in my life: moments, rests, make healthier choices about work, people, my thoughts, attitudes, etc. The eating-when-I'm-not-hungry is a quick, poor substitute for making choices which require deliberate choice.

The short version: make healthier choices

What a nice club this is! :sunny:


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:15 pm
by SarahJane
A few things that I would like to stick to are;

No alcohol on a "school night".
Cut down on the diet coke and drink more water or at least something that is more healthy.

And not to feel guilty if I fancy having some "me time" . If I want to light the candles and snuggle up on the sofa with a good book or a chick flick, I intend doing it and enjoying it instead of doing it and constantly thinking I should be doing something else! ( Hmmmmm theres no exercise in there yet.....I am working on it!) :flower:


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:21 pm
by Green Aura
The food part of my new lifestyles going well - back to a more healthy eating regime and I've cut down my portions.

The exercise part hasn't gone quite so well - driving rain and high winds have kept me in the house so I've not done much, but I'll work out how to change this - it could be like this for a while, so I need an alternative. I like walking, swimming but not gym-style exercise regimes. So if anyone's got any suggestions.

One thing I do enjoy is 5 rhythms dance - has anyone tried it? Must dig my CDs out.


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:31 pm
by Odsox
This happens every year with me ... we ALWAYS buy way too much "nibbles" for Christmas and of course, once bought you have to eat them, can't throw them away. So, coupled with lethargy over the holiday period I always, but always, put on a lot of weight. This year I'm about a stone over my target weight (apologies to you metricated people and that's 14lbs for Americans). I know I shall lose it, I always do, all I have to do is get my a*se into gear, get out in the garden and do something, anything ... and stop eating so much.
But it's raining today and there's still some choccies left so I'll start tomorrow :sunny:


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:45 pm
by Millymollymandy
I don't need to lose weight but I do need to get fit and I bought an exercise bike in December for this purpose. However what with the lurgy at Xmas and now a blooming cold I've caught I've only used it once in the last 3 weeks. :( I will start again once my nose has dried up a bit. :thumbright:


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:47 pm
by eccentric_emma
Green Aura wrote:
One thing I do enjoy is 5 rhythms dance - has anyone tried it? Must dig my CDs out.
That sounds interesting, I've never heard of it though!

I would like to make sure that I am eating at least one piece of raw food a day (fruit or veg, preferably both!)
I would like to gain muscle tone on my stomach.

So today I ate satsumas and dried figs for breakfast, had home made lentil curry with lots of veg for lunch. (not time for dinner yet). However i got bored at work and started on the crisps and sweets (i work in an off license!). Also had a snack sized bowl of nuts, seeds, goji berries etc. But whilst at work I did 40 sit ups (very quiet at work on a Sunday morning!), 20 squats, 20 push up type things (against a wall instead of on the floor). So not doing too badly!

I'd like to get into drinking more veggie juices too - I always have them if I go out and see a juice bar, but never get round to making them at home!


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:38 pm
by Helsbells
Well yesterday I stuffed my face with sweets, and as soon as I started eating them my nose began to run and I got all phlemy. I have a bit of a cold, and eating lots of sugar definately made it worse. So no sweets today, and I definately have less of a runny nose. The only sweet thing I have had is jam on a slice of the bread I made today.

My OH is currently making soup for lunch for tomorrow and we wont add cream this time to make it a bit healthier, and I am going to try not to snack between lunch and dinner except on fruit.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:21 am
by Loobyloo
I've had every kind of take away its possible to have in the last two weeks! As we are reaching the climax of our house move its not going to get better until the weekend.

So as of Sunday I start: eating cereal and or yogurt and fruit for breakie. Soup for lunch and something healthy for dinner (less pasta dishes as I put a ton of cheese on it!)

and I'm going to try and get out for walks in the evening.

Will keep you updated!


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:02 pm
by the.fee.fairy
Took Doglet for a walk today. We didn't go too far though - he kept tuning to go back!

Will definitely go for longer tomorrow!


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:09 pm
by Big Al
the.fee.fairy wrote:I've made it a sticky so that it stays at the top.

I've been a bit of a failure so far. I'm just about to have pancakes for breakfast, and i've been drinking tea with one and a half sugars...

My beginning resolutions are:

1. Take the dog out every day during the week for at least half an hour (can't always guarantee it at the weekend - either i'm working, or i'm not here).
2. Cut down to 1 sugar in tea.
3. drink more fruit juice instead of fizzy pop!

I think these are going to be ok for me to follow for the next couple of weeks. I don't believe in denying myself things or making them 'bad' for me. If i tell myself that something's bad for me, then i want it more and more, so nothing is 'off limits', i just plan to cut down the not so healthy things bit by bit until i'm a bit more healthy.
I haven't read the rest yet so this may have been covered but check out the nutritional panel for Fruit juices FF as some of them are worse than fizzy pop !


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:23 pm
by Big Al
Green Aura wrote:The food part of my new lifestyles going well - back to a more healthy eating regime and I've cut down my portions.

The exercise part hasn't gone quite so well - driving rain and high winds have kept me in the house so I've not done much, but I'll work out how to change this - it could be like this for a while, so I need an alternative. I like walking, swimming but not gym-style exercise regimes. So if anyone's got any suggestions.

One thing I do enjoy is 5 rhythms dance - has anyone tried it? Must dig my CDs out.
Tut Tut Green Aura.... Such excuses...... since when did enjoying exercise become an option,lol. This is what you need for sure. Just watch the video for real people doing real fitness..... ... B000HOJEQU


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:36 pm
by Birdie Wife
I must have missed this thread when it first started! Is this open to everyone - can I join?

I spent Christmas with the MIL and lovely though she is, she was formerly used to having lots of blokes around to feed, and now she lives alone I think she misses the old times, so whenever we stay with her, she buys enough food to feed an army and makes me and OH feel really guilty if we don't eat it :pale: so now my trousers don't fit any more...

I agree with the fruit juice, try Robinsons diluting juice instead, it's really good. I'm going to try not having any desserts through the week, and only drink alcohol two nights a week, and make Saturday my 'treat' day (instead of every day... :lol: )


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:39 pm
by Big Al
Odsox wrote:This happens every year with me ... we ALWAYS buy way too much "nibbles" for Christmas and of course, once bought you have to eat them, can't throw them away. So, coupled with lethargy over the holiday period I always, but always, put on a lot of weight. This year I'm about a stone over my target weight (apologies to you metricated people and that's 14lbs for Americans). I know I shall lose it, I always do, all I have to do is get my a*se into gear, get out in the garden and do something, anything ... and stop eating so much.
But it's raining today and there's still some choccies left so I'll start tomorrow :sunny:
Up until this year I was with you tony. At least 20 pounds on over christmas.....well it's christmas isn't it.... gorge and gorge till you are all gorged out. Shortly before Christmas my sugar test were continuing to go up so I started to check out the nutritional panels on the food.... Jaffa cakes 52% sugar, skimmed healthy... 5% sugar Low fat elmee cream... laden with sugar....

I ended up doing christmas [and enjoying it] and also losing a kg... 2.2 pounds for the non metrificated lot.....