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So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:43 pm
by Mr and Mrs luvpie
Just wondering, we had our consultants appointment today and have our section date booked in for 21st December, had to have a section with the last three so had no choice with this one, but it does mean that a - bubs is home in time for christmas with the big brothers and b - I don't have to even consider having the banana smoothie :cheers: :cheers:

Surely we can't be the only ones who are now counting down the days till, not the joy of the birth, but the hell of where do you put both mother-in-laws, who will no doubt stay for christmas, we currently can't see the spare bedroom for all the junk thats in it!

Oh and if anyones wondering yes it is only 20 wks 3 days to christmas now!!!!!


Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:25 pm
by Penny Lane
Congrats on having your date booked!
DS was a natural birth so I only know the feeling of wondering when instead of knowing! Next (hopefully) baby will be born via section though so I'll have my chance then!

And just 20 weeks, :pale: !

Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:28 pm
by thesunflowergal
Hi Sarah

Us too, our little man is due 11th November. But both my girls were early, so I am trying to get organised. I have been sorting out the baby stuff, plus buying birthday present (dd2 25th October) and Christmas presents. I am really hoping for a natural birth. Dd1 was natural and dd2 was a section. But as long as he comes out safe and sound thats all that matters.

Its not the Mother-in- Law that I have an issue with, its my parents :(. I am really not looking forward to that bit at all. Luckly we have no space, so no one will stay with us lol.


Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:09 pm
by Mr and Mrs luvpie
Penny Lane wrote: And just 20 weeks, :pale: !
It's worse than just 20 weeks for us, in the space of the next 21 weeks, we have 3 birthdays (an 8 yr old a 2 yr old and mine), 2 weeks camping, 1 baby being born, christmas, mrluvpie in court (giving evidence I should stress) a possible family court hearing for custody of the eldest boys.

I really don't know where we are going to find the time to re-find the allotment!!!!

Nikki - I'm hoping after this one arrives everyone realises we don't have the space for them to stay anymore, at least I wouldn't have to keep tidying up then!!


Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:57 pm
by vicki
hey all, I'm newly pg, just 7 weeks at the moment. You're making me panic about family descending! I hadn't even thought of that :shock:

Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:42 pm
by Mr and Mrs luvpie
Hey Vicki congratulations, and don't worry, at least you've got double the time we've got to prepare for their arrival!!! :lol: :lol: Hope your feeling well with it, the first 3 months I spent thinking I was going to :pukeright: but never actually doing so :(


Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:03 pm
by Muscroj
**waves from the corner** I was 8 weeks on Tuesday.....but shhh, we've not told anyone yet!

Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:19 pm
by Mr and Mrs luvpie
Muscroj wrote:**waves from the corner** I was 8 weeks on Tuesday.....but shhh, we've not told anyone yet!
Congratulations to you to then Jo, Hope your feeling ok


Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:25 pm
by Muscroj
to be honest I'm feeling hideous, which has come as a complete shock as I have 2 boys & didn't get any pregnancy symptoms with either of them, so i've convinced myself this one must be a girl!

Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:28 pm
by Mr and Mrs luvpie
you poor thing, I felt fine with the first two and terrible with No 3, but all boys, just my body obviously could cope with genes from my idiot ex, but hated brummie genes floating around inside me!!


Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:40 pm
by Muscroj

Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:49 pm
by thesunflowergal
Vicki and Jo

Congrats to you both!! I hope that you both have a very quiet and boring nine months :hugish:

We had our 26 week growth scan today. Little man seems to be fine and healthy :lol: :cheers: :lol: Next scan is at 30 weeks.

Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:52 am
by citizentwiglet
Yay, congrats to you all - lots of little ishers on their way!

I'm sooooooooo broody right now. Gawd knows why - I've a three year old boy who doesn't listen to a word I say, and a 9 month old boy who, despite the living room looking a like a ram-raided Hamleys, prefers crawling towards the fire, or any available plug socket. My nerves are shot....but I still want another. Can't have one, so need to stop moaning and hope I can be Cyber Aunty Twiglet to our new little ishers instead!! :lol:

Enjoy your pregnancies, ladies. It's a fabulous time, isn't it? Even when it has to be viewed retrospectively!

Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:58 pm
by vicki
Many thanks for the congratulations and congrats to you too Jo!

This is my first so no doubt I'll be firing questions at you all before long so you've been warned :lol:

Re: So how many little ishers are on the way at the mo?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:48 pm
by grubbysoles
Ahhh, congratulations to all the bump bearers! My little girl is 10 weeks old and I'm already broody! In fact, I was broody the second they held her up for us to see (over the c-section blue screen...). It was wonderful. If only I had more than 2 bedrooms and a bit more income. We just don't have the space for any more!