Yogurt recipe and also Hunny Oaty Biccies.

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Living the good life
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Yogurt recipe and also Hunny Oaty Biccies.

Post: # 20054Post Hillbilly »

Both firm favourites in this house.
Yogurt - makes 1 litre

1 litre milk of any kind.
1 good tbsp organic live bio yoghurt
2 bowls, one slightly smaller than t'other - both capable of holding more than 1l
Plastic whisk and spoon
1 litre thermos flask.
1 plastic jug.
Thermometer (I use my sugar one)

Sterilize all equipment before use. Heat milk to boiling then leave to cool to 100F/37.7C. Pour a little of the warm milk into a jug and stir in yoghurt. Pour remainder of milk into jug, stir and immediately pour into thermos. Seal and leave in a warm place for 7 hours.

Unseal and pour into smallest of two bowls. Place that bowl inside other and fill gap with cold water to aid rapipd colling of yoghurt.Once pretty cool, cover and refrigerate. Keeps for 4-5 days in a fridge.

Serve with hunny and raisins or fresh raspberries :mrgreen: or whatever you like!

Incidentally, have worked it out that if you buy 2 litres of organic bio yogurt a week (easily possible if you have 2 kids - let alone adults) and you switch to making your own - even taking into account buying of organic milk - you save approx £132.00 per year.

Hunny oaty biccies - makes about 18 - 20

100g Plain flour
100g rolled oats
100g butter
100g sugar
1 tbsp water
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp bicarb of soda.

Melt sugar, water and butter together over low heat. Seive bicarb and flour together into bowl. Add oats and butter/water/sugar mix and combine.

Using a teaspoon, take 9 blobs of the mix per baking tray (grease them REALLY well) and spead apart allowing room for speading while cooking.
Bake in medium oven for about 10 minutes but watch them constantly as they go from perfect to burnt in nano seconds :-)

When cooked, allow them to cool for a few seconds then fishslice them off onto a cooling rack. If you want them to stay a bit chewy, cool them on a hard, flat, solid surface.

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