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Food allergies

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:51 pm
by Thomzo
Does anyone suffer from food allergies? I've been diagnosed and am now trying to determine which foods I'm allergic to. Keeping a food diary at the moment but would appreciate any words of wisdom anyone can share.

Re: Food allergies

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:24 pm
by Broad Bean
What is your diagnosis? I have a couple of friends with quite strong food intolerances but as I'm sure you realise, that's quite different to an allergy. Still restrictive though.

Re: Food allergies

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:20 pm
by Thomzo
I don't know yet what's causing it but I do know that I've had a few anaphylactic attacks. Not serious enough to warrant hospital but still pretty scary.

Re: Food allergies

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:30 pm
by wabbit955
I suffer a lot from both intolerances and allergies , but food dairy is the way to go , or just cut one type of food out of your diet for 5 days than eat it again bad reaction than you know you got a problem with it , than on to the next type of food ,
good luck it dose get better when you know what you can and can not eat and after a while you do not miss it as you know you react against it so put you off ,
my worst is dairy intolerance which I got 2 years ago not good when I am a pastry chef so do have to eat and suffer when changing menus . but I can not even cut blue cheeses with out getting anaphylactic attacks which between dairy intolerance and penicillin allergies not good , also can not eat fish :(
hope you sort it out soon and have a better dr than mine I pretty much sorted my problems out my self :iconbiggrin:

Re: Food allergies

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:29 pm
by JuzaMum

A while ago my daughter and I were both having some health problems and were getting nowhere with the doctor so went to see a homeopath (yes I know, it's just water.....) who also is a Bioresonance practitioner. Both my daughter and I were tested on his magic machine. Basically a strap is attached to your wrist whilst the machine takes some readings. My daughter is two and was quite happy to have this done. Anyway we were both advised that we had food intolerances. After eliminating certain foods from her diet the change was obvious. Simply her problems were solved by the omitting certain foods. We could of spent ages trying different things dietwise but this testing gave us the answers immediately.
Shortly after I saw the homeopath my Doctor phoned me and told me I had Lymes disease so my suggested diet changes wouldn't have made any impact on that.
I would recommend the Bioresonance testing as a quick way of finding what not to eat.
I hope you get the cause of your problems



Re: Food allergies

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:29 pm
by jamesintayside
I never got to the actual cause but if I eat puff pastry I get very breathless and wheezy.

Re: Food allergies

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:50 pm
by Thomzo
Just an update. I've been keeping a food diary now and have proved that I'm seriously allergic to chocolate - I'm gutted :(

I had another 'funny turn' after eating a dairy free chocolate dessert so there's no doubt now. I've been in touch with the Allergyuk forum and they've confirmed that the symptoms indicate it's an allergy. I've got another doctors appointment booked now and I shall be taking their confirmation with me.

Re: Food allergies

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:39 pm
by littlemissrose
I know how you feel.I can't eat chocolate or french cheese at the moment because it triggers my migrains. No sugar for me at all for that matter cause it makes me really tired. And with all suggarsubstitudes causing extreme diaria my diet is getting quite healthy. Good thing cause I needed to loose some weight. :iconbiggrin: