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Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:11 am
by happyhippy
Hi all,
We were lucky enough to be offered an allotment on a new site last year.One of the rules of the allotments are that no dogs are allowed on site,and a sign had been erected in the carpark of the allotments stating "No dogs allowed"Now before anyone accuses me of being "anti dog"I have owned dogs myself in the past and truly love dogs.I'd own one now if me and OH did'nt work such long hours!However on our groups Facebook group page last week,one of the allotmenteer's started a poll on "Should we allow dogs on our site"Atm,it stands 19 in favour and 10 disagree.Having read a few of the comments allotment holders have written under the poll,I'm feeling,well,abit disappointed that alot of the comments are in favour of allowing dogs.Most say they could kill two birds with one stone,visit the allotments and walk their dogs,but really,even if I owned a dog right now,I would not consider taking it to the allotments.
Some of the issues I have with dogs on sites are:Male dogs tend to cock their legs on everything and that includes people's veg!
People have stated in their comments that they would ensure their dogs are kept tethered whilst there.I'd like to believe these people,but having already witnessed 3 people already on the site with dogs NOT tethered,I'm having my doubts!"
What about people who are genuinely frightened of dogs?My 6yr old grand-daughter is terrified of dogs (has never been attacked by a dog but none the less is still terrified)Or even just people who infact just don't like dogs in general?
People I think go to their allotments,apart from the obvious,peace and quiet.Are we now going to have to endure dogs barking?(The allotments are set in a rural area not suburban so we are normally just listening to birdsong.
I'd be interested on people's viewpoints on this subject so please share your thoughts.Do you have an allotment that allows dogs and if so,do it work out ok or does it just make something simple alot more complicated (No dogs allowed rule)?

Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 2:26 pm
by RunnerBean
Dogs are allowed at our local allotments and at my mum's local one and it's not really been a problem. There are always a few rubbish dog owners (and rubbish people in general) that ruin it for the responsible majority. Everyone I've seen at our local allotment tethers their dog and they just sit quietly. There are a couple of free-roamers at my mum's local allotment but they are well trained and don't cause any trouble. I've never see them pee on veg, but if you live in a rural area then you could well have wild animals peeing/pooing on the veg anyway.

Sorry to hear your granddaughter is scared of dogs- its a pretty common phase, my eldest daughter went through it and my youngest isn't too keen at the moment. A lot of the bigger animal shelters do courses to help people overcome their fear. Dogs are everywhere (I swear I'm the only person in my village without one) so avoidance isn't really possible in a lot of cases.

I think you are well within your rights to question a) what the rules for having dogs at the allotment will be and b) what will be done if people don't follow the rules. Maybe they could have a trial period of allowing dogs that will end if people don't follow the rules or if the dogs are a nuisance.

Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:52 am
by happyhippy
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.As I said,I love dogs but I know people who don't like dogs at all and really why should these people be subjected to dogs on an allotment site.These allotments have only been opened for a year.We dont have any access to water (although it was promised by the council on the opening day),recently had most of the sheds broken into,not to mention badgers and rabbits eating everyone's veg,now potentially the no dog rule being overturned.Its becoming too much a hassle I think,and I am considering giving my allotment up,
So what if an owners dog bites someone?Or dogs get into a fight?I just think there is a time and place for everything,and personally if I owned a dog (which I will at some point)I would not take it to the allotments.

Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 10:36 am
by RunnerBean
Dogs have to be under control now under the new law. Biting someone or getting in a fight would mean they are NOT under control.

it's a shame you've had all that trouble at your allotments. :( Not having a water supply is a bit of a joke. My mum used to have an urban allotment and went to visit after her holiday to find all her dwarf fruit trees gone! Some people really take the piss.

I suppose having a vote is the fairest way to decide. There are people that don't like dogs, but there are also many people that love, like or don't mind dogs too.

Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 11:44 am
by 2Bornot2B?
If voting one way or the other, I'd vote against Dogs on allotments. It's a nice environment to get a bit of peace away from everyday life. barking dogs included. True not every dog is a nuisance, but if there aren't any, that's one less potential irritation.
My good lady Wife is very wary of dogs and will often cross the road to avoid them, I don't mind them, but have been severely bitten three or four times in the past.
I'd guess that the reasons for banning them, on your allotments, in the first place are still pretty relevant today.

Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 2:41 pm
by mamos
I don't go anywhere my dogs are not allowed to be honest.

If our allotments banned dogs then we would have to give up our allotment.

Last years our landlord banned our dogs from our business premises and we were left with no choice but to find an alternative unit with all the upheaval involved with moving a business.

Our dogs are very well behaved and we have a gate on our allotment plot and they don't bother anyone so I don't see a problem.


Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:56 pm
by happyhippy
I guess my main concern is are people going to take the p*** and let their dogs run amok.Even though everyone knows its a no dog site,I've seen 3 allotmenteers with their dogs onsite,2 of them just running around which for me would be irritating (especially if they pee'd on my veg! :shock: Alot of the comments on our facebook group page are on the lines of "It would kill two birds with one stone if I were able to walk my dog to the allotments,rather than walk said dog separately"Ok so lets say you had the dog before you were offered the lottie?You;d walk said dog right?So then you get offered an allotment,and yes it can be time consuming,but really don't you think those dog owners should of maybe considered this and factored this in when accepting the lottie?I adored my dog,but if he were alive today I still wouldnt take my dog to my allotment.No dog is 100% trustworthy and with kids running around?Could be disastrous imho.Btw the allotments are open so anyone (or dog)can walk onto your allotment,they're not individually fenced.

Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 8:52 pm
by mamos
I think if I were on your allotments I would definitely have a fence around my plot. I would also be very pissed off if people allowed their dogs or their kids for that matter to run amok on other peoples plots. I didn't realise you didn't have fences.

I do believe we need less rules in life and more reasonableness. Blanket rules penalise the responsible majority as well as the tossers in this world.


Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:46 am
by bonniethomas06
Our allotment allows dogs. However, we have a child problem. They disturb the peace, scoff the biscuits in the clubhouse, pick things they shouldn't, leave footprints on other people's plots, and run amok - some of the little ones even pee on the veg!

I am thinking of proposing a 'no children' rule on our allotment - I chose not to have children so I can't see why I should have to suffer other people's! They should leave their children at home.


Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:32 am
by mamos
I could not agree more. On the whole, the default setting for a dog is to lie down and go to sleep. The default setting for kids is running around screaming and generally being annoying.

We have neither a dog or a kid problem at our allotment and as I said our plots are fenced but a dog problem is far easier to deal with.

Can you imagine the abuse you would get from the average parent today if you went over and asked them to keep their little darlings quiet?


Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 4:52 pm
by RunnerBean
Hmm, I reckon those screw into the ground dog tethers could hold a small child. Put some reins on the child, attach them to the tether, job done :wink:

Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:52 am
by bonniethomas06
Hahaha Runner Bean, good idea! Or those cages you put in the boot of cars for dogs to travel in...

Re: Dogs on allotment sites!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:31 am
by diggernotdreamer
I took my dog to the allotment, he loved it, but he was put in his pen so as he couldn't wander off, there is a limit really to what you can put up with, pesky screaming kids who think they can run around all over the place and up and down your allotment while their doting parents smile at them and make that ah look at them expressing themselves face or dog owners that think it is ok for their dogs to walk over your alloment.............. never had much problem with dogs........ but the kids ..........................