No plastic

Want to share some knowledge of eco products. Or have you heard about any new eco projects that you want to share with the world?
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Green Aura
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Re: No plastic

Post: # 294105Post Green Aura »

Yes, it's the same old problem. I bought some glass food containers to replace those plastic ones that are so useful for freezing stuff. They're great, although rather expensive, which would hopefully be offset by their longer life.

But there are two major downsides. They don't stack inside each other neatly and so take up an awful lot of cupboard space when not in use. The other? The lids are plastic!

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Barbara Good
Barbara Good
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Re: No plastic

Post: # 294108Post Viper254 »

I don't know if you get anything from Amazon delivered? Every month or so I order a set of drum sticks - when they arrive (it breaks my heart) they're always in a box that's maybe a foot by half a foot and stuffed with brown paper.

The brown paper can be folded into little bags and used for wrapping stuff. They're not perfect, but not too bad either.

Mostly, I'm still using old chinese takeaway containers...
AKA Simon.

Trying to get to grips with a Staffordshire allotment (UK)

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