Apparently I've Won £10,000


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Apparently I've Won £10,000

Post: # 31455Post Muddypause »

Stoney's post about scam callers made me fish this letter back out of the recycling bin. It came this morning.

Heavily implying that I (refered to repeatedly by name) was a winner of a major prize draw, it then goes on to try and sell me a free 'Medallion of Luck' plus some sort of documents that will improve my life somehow. "...I am paying the modest contribution of £25 for the preparation and printing of all the documents and for the precious medallion."

But it then goes on for another 4 pages about how some astrologer has managed to contact my 'astral double'. A kind and caring Italian woman just like me, apparently:

"Your astrological double, Mrs BlankedOutName (for reasons of data protection, I do not have the right to reveal her identity) is a warm, gay person - with exceptional sensitivity. She is a descendant of one of the great Italian families and inhabits a villa not far from Milan. She is very wealthy and is married to a banker. She is very preoccupied with people with problems and donates large sums to charities. She is very well known in Italy and is loved by all." Sound just like me, doesn't it?

"I was able to study her personality and I was touched by the similarity of character between you, [my name], and your psycho-astral double, Mrs. BlankedOutName..." And so it goes on.

Anyway, the crux of the matter is "...Mrs. BlankedOutName possesses a precious medallion that has always provided happiness. More than a family jewel, it is a genuine amplifier of luck...Today, it is her wish that a deserving person benefits from this incredible amplifier of luck..."

Go, on, guess. Guess who that person is. Yes, it's me. ME. mememememe....

"..I have the honour to now offer you an exact copy of this precious medallion..."

Wha..! A COPY?!?

Anyway, whatever, it's free, isn't it?

Needless to say, I have to fill in my credit card or bank account details, and post it back to The Netherlands.

Something about the way this is printed and posted makes me suspect that I'm not the only one who's won the money (or not), or indeed has an astral double who happens to be a warm, gay Italian woman. If anyone else gets one of these, do post here about it.

Damn!. I just remembered - it also kept saying that I mustn't tell anyone else about this, for some reason. I supose that means I won't win the money, now.

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Post: # 31477Post Millymollymandy »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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