Wipe the cobwebs off Great Aunt Fannie, twice removed.

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Tracey Smith
Barbara Good
Barbara Good
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Joined: Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:57 pm

Wipe the cobwebs off Great Aunt Fannie, twice removed.

Post: # 342Post Tracey Smith »

It occurred to me as I opened a card this morning from a person I had not heard from since receiving a Christmas card last year....the words were probably the same too thinking about it...

"Tracy, Ray and the kids,
from Alan and Linda"

No "Love", no "Dear", just a standard top and bottom....

How many of those do we send out each year?

Thousands if truth be told. It's a worry really and begs the question, while it's nice to be remembered, is sending something with no real sentiment worth sending at all?

What we should be doing is trimming the cards we send (out of a bizarre need to keep an imaginary thread going), therefore freeing up more time to send ones with well thought out words and special contacts.

The beneficiaries are the post office and the card shops!

It takes hardly any time to insert a short personal message of love, thought, kindness and attention. It takes an age however, when you are sending them to the world and his wife.

Think about what they really say about you?

Don't send something because it's the done thing - send your love.

Don't write words you don't mean - make them count and say something about how you feel.

DO make the ones you send or deliver special.

DO put something that will make your recipient smile or reach for a phone to call you.

DO tell the folks that mean the absolute world to you how you feel about them.

What if this was to be your or their last Christmas message?

What if you never had another chance to tell them how much you really love them?

What if...

So, pick up your address book, get realistic about the addresses with cobwebs on them, make every one you do send, special.

Why not sit down and hand-make them. Kids are not a pre-requisite for a bit of cutting and sticking......and that's a real statement!

Tracey Smith

Author of 'The Book of Rubbish Ideas'

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