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Handmade soap

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:51 am
by Susie
OK. Drumroll :icon_smile:

...I've made my second ever batch of soap - and here it is (sorry for flickr link) curing on our kitchen table!

I made my first batch with lavender and geranium essential oils and it was lovely. I made this one with patchouli and ylang ylang - it's a bit stronger and you have to like patchouli (but I do, so that's ok then :wink: )

I couldn't believe how straightforward it was to make (although you can see I've not done anything complicated to it and it's all a bit rough-hewn!). I see much handmade soap in my future. I've been using the first batch and it's great. I don't think I would ever have plucked up the courage to actually make any though if it wasn't for ish, so thank you everybody :hugish: Also, thank you Jill Stephens, I tried your recipe for solid perfume too, and it worked really well.

I think next I'm going to try some kind of body cream/ lotion. Gosh the world is my oyster... :flower:

Re: Handmade soap

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:32 am
by Green Aura
Looks lovely Susie :cheers: . I love making soap - which is just as well really :roll:

Re: Handmade soap

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:28 pm
by frozenthunderbolt
I rendered a pot of tallow but then it has been sitting out on my deck in the cold for the last 2 months and i haven't plucked up the courage to see if it has gone rancid or not, some lovely colored algae on the top though so it might be a bit dubious . . .

Re: Handmade soap

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:46 pm
by lazyspice
Making your own soap is addictive! One of my first combos was lemongrass and peppermint - it was gorgeous!

Re: Handmade soap

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:05 am
by Susie
Lemongrass and peppermint sounds delicious. Rendering tallow sounds a bit involved, I'm afraid I'm still on olive oil from T***o at the moment! :shock:

I've discovered a hazard with handmade soap they don't warn you about :( . It's just too popular. I've lost three quarters of my last batch even before it's finished curing! Never mind (says she with gritted teeth) all the more opportunity for me to practice lovely new scents and colours, grrr. :iconbiggrin:

Re: Handmade soap

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:26 pm
by Helsbells
Looks great, I love making soap, it's good to know what is in it too, less chemicals.