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Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:43 pm
by TheGoodEarth
I have seen plenty 'bash your head against the wall' :banghead: smiley's on various threads so thought it would be a good idea to start a thread for it.

My philosophy is that life should be simple. :drunken: I yearn for a simple life where people are nice to each other and help each other along. :hugish: Where ego, materialism and fashion aren't so important. Where there are fewer rules, less stress and anxiety, no wars or extremists and more love, freedom, community and understanding.

However what we have created is something very complicated, bizarre, ludicrous and incomprehensible. :scratch: And for me it's the little things that are extremely annoying.

These are three small things that have annoyed me over the last few days.

1. Dealing with British Gas customer services. We moved house in June and they have still to set up our accounts despite numerous requests from us. Have just spent 30 mins on the phone to them and nearly lost the will to live. WHY is it all so bl**dy difficult? :banghead:
2. 12.5% service charge automatically added to the bill in a restaurant even if the service is rubbish. WHAT is that all about? WHY do we accept this practice of underhanded ways to try and rip us off? :angryfire: For this point also think of any low cost airline!
3. Council planning officers. The planning dept say they will only respond once to an enquiry through their pre-planning application process even if their one reply doesn't answer your original question! Can I remind these jokers that WE elect the councillors that appoint them to use OUR money paid through OUR taxes to provide services for US. :shock:

Aaahh… that's better. Maybe because it is Monday. :oops:

Do you have any?

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:58 pm
by oldjerry
Noel Edmonds.

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:52 pm
by Milims
People leaving the bath mat on the floor - drives me crazy!

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:12 pm
by Susie
Spice jars that you can't get a spoon into.

People who come to the top of escalators, step off the top step and then stop and look round gormlessly, blocking everybody behind them who then trip up or have to jog on the spot.

Anything electrical I have ever bought from T*sco because they have all been complete rubbish and yes I have learned my lesson now!

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:54 pm
by JessieMac
Having to pay BT £4.50 for the privilege of paying my bill in cash,I don't want any more dd's and why should I have to lots of people on small incomes work with cash as a way to stay out of trouble and they are being charged more for being responsable. :flower:

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:53 pm
by oldjerry
1)The way that people are pidgeon-holed into 'hard-working families' or everyone else(who presumably isn't fortunate enough to have a job).
2)Successfull people who take all the plaudits,but fail to acknowledge the inevitable part that good fortune has played in that success.
3)The fact that people look at me and see an ageing ,heavy looking,unkempt bloke who's poorly dressed(only in the UK),and presume I'm a stupid thug..I may well be,but whats dress sense got to do with it? (check out Ghandi !!)
4)Paul Daniels.

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:16 pm
by Shirleymouse
Ooh! Where do I start?? I've felt like Victor Meldrew all day, time to get it off my chest...

1. People who don't indicate on roundabouts - seems to be a growing problem round here
2. Toilet cubicles that are really small and have doors that open inwards so you have to stand practically in the toilet to open the door to get out
3. Whichever pen I pick up off my desk doesn't work, ever
4. this one is quite job-specific - children who do their homework on a sheet of paper and then hide it in the depths of their exercise book so I can't find it meaning that marking a pile of books takes 3 times longer than it should.

I could go on, I am very easily irritated!!!

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:28 pm
by crowsashes
road works - why close a road for a whole month , patch it all up THEN have another company (water,gas etc) come 2 weeks later and do the same again :angryfire: would it not make more sense to plan these things so it can all be done at the same/within days of each other rather than sporadically? would make life easier after all dont you have to apply to do work such as this?

MOBILE PHONES - i hate the fact people assume because i have a mobile i want to be called at all hours! :banghead: and also because i have a mobile people assume its ok to call/ text but more often than not text to tell me there going to be late/not show up! since ive stopped giving out my mobile number (other than to LOs nursery and college staff ) ive not had a single person cancel on me without phoning the night before :cheers: it makes life much easier and others more considerate as they either have to get me at home or show up :mrgreen:

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:46 pm
by spider8
Katie Price :pukeright:

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:01 pm
by Thomzo
I was bashing my head against a brick wall all afternoon at work. It's a good job I'm not allowed to talk about it, otherwise you'd all be completely bored.

Otherwise, idiots who drive up your exhaust pipe while you're overtaking on the dual carriageway, zoom past as soon as you pull over and then pull in infront of you and slow down.


Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:28 pm
by fran
People who drive with fog lights on when it's not foggy, they might as well put full beam on. :angryfire:

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:29 pm
by oldfella
British and Dutch tourists complaining, about the fact that the girl on the check-out desk in a French supermarket do's not understand English even when they raise their voice to just under shouting level. :(

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:58 pm
by JulieSherris
* Having to listen to hubby explain to his Mum for the umpteenth time WHY we grow our own food, WHY we chose this lifestyle, WHY we don't mind the dirt, the solitude, etc etc... sigh....

* Telling hubby to stop breathing when his glasses fall down his nose & he sounds like a rustling warthog due to his airways being restricted.....

* When he just moves his glasses up his nose & doesn't comply with the original request :lol: :wink:

* When my girls have a problem & all of a sudden, it's MY problem to solve for them.... grrr!

* The 4 hens that insist on jumping the fence & are laying their eggs in the woods AGAIN... and I can't blummin' well find out where!!

Thassit.... well, for now!!

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:44 pm
by Rosendula
Take-away leaflets

This one's specific to our area - phone companies sending mail shots to everyone in this area asking for our custom when they can't offer us a service here. :banghead:

Take-away leaflets

Text-talk - now I don't actually mind most of it, but why abbreviate some things when you're going to spell out the word "okay"? Like, "RU okay" :banghead:

More take-away leaflets

People who park their car taking up 2 places.

Yet more take-away leaflets

People who park their car outside my house and then get a bus into town. We have 2, TWO park and rides here. TWO!!

And even more :cussing: take-away leaflets. :banghead: :banghead:

Re: Little things that really annoy you!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:26 am
by The Riff-Raff Element
oldfella wrote:British and Dutch tourists complaining, about the fact that the girl on the check-out desk in a French supermarket do's not understand English even when they raise their voice to just under shouting level. :(
Not to mention a few who are resident here...

Otherwise (and this is all I can think of quickly):

1) People who don't understand that light switches work in both directions.
2) France specific: an organisation called RSI who administer the social security payments of the self employed here and whose staff are all descended from the bastard offspring of Lucrezia Borgia and Joseph Goebbels. I'm probably being unkind because they are always very nice when we say "but we couldn't possibly afford to pay that!" but it would help if they didn't send out surprise bills for €3000 two weeks before the payment is due.
3) Sony for advertisng for Christmas in October.