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help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:51 pm
by clare
Hope someone can help.We have a 9 month old Lab pup (golden) who has the run of an acre of land.But last night he jumped the fence (4' post and rail with chicken wire) had a long run in the fields along with a roll in the newly spread muck and then appeared as we arrived back from school!We don't know why he would suddenly do this and he is normally in a crate at night but he stank so much he was left out in his kennel last night and told off big time,but this morning when hubby went off to work he was nowhere to be seen and then came trotting up the road all pleased to see him!!stinking even more,so after a good scrub (which he hates)and a spell inside to dry a little all we can think of that when we are out we will have to tether him,for his own saftey.Or he will have to be in the crate which I feel is worse at least he can be outside.Does anyone have the same problem?
Hope someone can help.

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:07 pm
by contadina
If he's not neutered that would be the first thing I'd look at as they are much less likely to roam afterwards. Another reason he may roam is if he gets bored, so if you only have one dog, maybe think about getting another so he has a companion to play with.

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:32 pm
by TheGoodEarth
If you are only out for a short period of time I would keep him inside, he should be able to go 4 or 5 hours no problem if he has done his business. Or you could keep him outside but in a dog run with higher sides. ... .php#75754

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:27 pm
by pelmetman
We adore labs and they love the outside, and will walk for miles.

I suspect that he is getting bored and finding his adventure out on his own much more interesting with all the new smells etc. Probably now he knows he can escape he will go on going walk about. My first worry would be if he is going on or near roads where he could cause an accident or be injured himself.

You really need to secure the garden or at least a part of it so that he can't escape. Is he getting enough walks, stimulation etc. as usually once a dog has his walkies he likes nothing more than to settle down for a snooze. Why is he being put in a crate :dontknow: Is he not allowed in the house?

Sue :flower:

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:01 pm
by clare
Thank for all the replies.He is in a crate at night only as he chews everything!!Also I have discovered I am allergic to him so he is in only one room and outside most of the day(I too am outside alot with the veggie patch/chickens/pig etc).I gave him a bath today so he's sweeter smelling.He has a long walk everyday and I am at home all day appart from the school runs(when sometimes he comes too)but dogs are not allowed on school grounds so as I have to see my 5 year old in and park a little way from the school it can be tricky but after school is easier as I can wait at the gate and the teacher can see me.If I have to go out without him it is only 2-3 hours at most,I didn't realise how many places are not dog friendly until we got him....he is too young to be castrated so we will have to keep a close eye on him and not leave him too long ,summer coming we are outside alot more eating,working and children playing so hopefully it will be ok.

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:52 pm
by MKG
Clare - I'm not being funny, but have you considered that your allergy to the dog may be rubbing off? Maybe he doesn't feel particularly welcome? I don't mean this in any way to be critical, but it does sound very much like this is your first dog. Is that right? I'll stop there, I think, and await any reply from you.


Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:16 pm
by Mrs H
Neutering him will not solve the problem if he is just looking for adventure however it may chill him out a bit. I thought dogs could be neutered at 6mths? We've never had r's done so not sure. I would suggest that the run of an acre full time is too much. You need to provide boundaries by giving him somewere secure that is his space only, high fenced now! If you are out often then let him out to be with you and mOoch about but having a run where you can close him away in after.
As Mike has suggested pup may feel like you are not providing enough attention as you probably don't fuss him much indoors because of your allergy. If you are allergic to him why is he indoors at all? If you have a safe and warm kennel and run for him and can provide all his exercise and socialization requirements during the day then he will be happy to stay outdoors full time. Our dogs hav never lived indoors, they are collies.
One thing I should point out is I'm guessing you live out in the country, well its just hitting into lambing season and if a farmer catches him in a field with ewes and lambs then he will get shot.
Goodluck and let us know how u get on. Xx

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:22 pm
by JulieSherris
Another thing to bear in mind is your location as well - are there sheep around anywhere near? If so, I'd be really careful - yes, he might think he's playing with the woolly bundles, but it's lambing season & sheep have this habit of dying for fun. All this means that any farmer out there wouldn't hesitate to grab their gun.

Our 2 younger bassets got out last week & went through the woods - they didn't get as far as the sheep field luckily, but I'd have to grit my teeth & bear the consequences if they did.

If he's only left outside for short bursts, try a corkscrew tether for him maybe? At least you'll know he's safe at home & then you just have to hope that he's easily trainable as he gets bigger!! :iconbiggrin:

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:09 am
by boboff
Wow, I am really lucky with our dog then, she has complete free run of the fields and woods, and has never strayed or worried anything.

Sort of like a "farm dog" but on a small holding. She is a Springerdor. As for worrying sheep, the little bantham hen makes her run scared, and if she is by the glass door with a bone, she will growl at the cat the other side of the glass door!

Advice? Well training is key, and lots of play, throwing sticks and balls, and lots of letting him run off and calling him back and rewarding him big time when he comes back. Not sure many people will agree with this, but he needs a master, someone who is VERY firm, consistent and fair. This will mean physical chastisement to ensure that he gets who is alpha in the pack.

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:39 am
by clare
Well I don't know where to start so many replies.Firstly, we have no sheep in the area we are in Norfolk so ariable and pigs are the surrounding area,we have all fields and woods around us but a single track road too with lots of farm vehicles.He is only in at night in because of the -9's and kind of still is but I love him and I don't let my allergy affect my fuss and attention of him.I grew up with Bull mastiffs that lived outside so I feel this is a place for a dog but now this running off has started I am worried about him being out and I have thought maybe an acre is too big an area,he does not have access to all of it as we have a large chicken run and vegetable patch he cannot get to but financially a pen is not an option at present.I think 2 walks a day rather than 1 is now needed and I will be taking him on the school run as much as possible.When we are out he comes when I call and gets a reward every few calls and does as he is told sits, lays,down,no etc He is not a jumping up dog either he sits when people stroke him so this has really come out of the blue.

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:38 pm
by boboff
He does sound like a good dog.

If he runs around his acre, why do you need to take him for a walk as well? Is that a daft question? Probably, it's just in my mind dogs who live indoors all the time need a walk so they can go for a poo, but if he's running and pooing with gay abandon why does he need a walk?

Anyway, best of luck, there is nothing wrong with dogs living outside much of the time, I think if he's come back, just wait and see, and don't worry too much, it sounds like you are doing all the right things to me.

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:51 pm
by Mrs H
Just remember all a dog actually wants to do is please you. I agree with Boboff, dogs need a master, they r naturally pack animals and thrive with an alpha dog. Try and take him everywere you go so as all he wants is to be with you, this will keep him close to home. When I look at our back door our dogs are generally lying at the back door waiting for me to go out again, when I'm out with them they run round like mad things and chill out but when I go indoors again they just wait close by. Ditto with Boboff with regards walking, if he has free run then he doesn't really need walked. I walk our dogs for me rather than them!!! Anyway goodluck with all, he does sound like a cracker little dog, just remember to enjoy him. Xxx

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:41 pm
by contadina
boboff wrote:If he runs around his acre, why do you need to take him for a walk as well? Is that a daft question? Probably, it's just in my mind dogs who live indoors all the time need a walk so they can go for a poo, but if he's running and pooing with gay abandon why does he need a walk?
Our dogs have over an acre to run around in but they still insist I take then for at least one walk every day. They get more than enough exercise and stimulation by themselves, but they get a real buzz from walking with myself or my husband.

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:57 pm
by TheGoodEarth
Have you been to training classes with your dog?

Re: help our Lab pup has escaped!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:34 pm
by yvette
Poor you with a smelly puppy! I will say though, that every dog we ever had or knew loved rolling in smelly things (cow pats, rotten seaweed etc.). Don't know why - but I don't think your pup is unusual in wanting to do this!