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Picky eater success!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:06 pm
by chickenchargrill
Decided to come here to celebrate tonight's breakthrough. I've battled/persuaded/bribed my 6 year old over food for the past 4 years. Since breaking up with her dad. I've put most of her picky tendancies down to eating lots of Smartprice sausages and cheap frozen chips and other rubbish their dad fed them on a nearly daily basis during her developing years.

Last year was a teeny bit better as we finally had space for a veggie patch but not much. Then tonight she's had 3, 3, helpings of salad because it was from Abel and Cole and the radishes were home-grown. She even sulked a little when all the radishes had gone. :cheers:

Even if it's a one off, I'm so grateful for a completely relaxed meal time.

Re: Picky eater success!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:57 pm
by Green Aura
Good stuff, obviously. She'll get better from here - just don't try brussels :pukeright: :lol:

Re: Picky eater success!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:46 pm
by fifi folle
That's brilliant!!

Re: Picky eater success!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:36 pm
by Milims
Yay! So pleased for you hun! You are well on the way to good food :mrgreen: :flower:

Re: Picky eater success!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:39 am
by the.fee.fairy
Sounds like my sister - she wouldn't eat vegetables until we grew peas.
Now the peas (and broad beans) never seem to make it to plates...and she is a pea addict!

Re: Picky eater success!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:03 am
by oldjerry
Our middle one(7)went through a seriously picky period,I think she was trying to assert herself a bit.It's just about passed.I found that if she grows salad stuff herself in her own little container\windowsill etc.she will ALWAYS eat it! (balsamic dip helps too.)

Re: Picky eater success!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:27 pm
by chickenchargrill
I've yet to persuade her to try balsamic vinegar. But I think the veg that actually tastes like it should is definitely helping. Ran out of carrots and bought some from T****s, nobody likes them.

Tonight's dish, fish stew with what veg we had in, had her asking for seconds despite her loathing for fish, onions, peppers and tomatoes.

Fee - peas are the same here, they rarely make it indoors.