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Allotment tidyness

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:28 am
by Pumkinpie
Apparently our allotments are now under a parish council and not the borough council anymore.
Got a letter saying I would be asked to leave if did not tidy plot by this Sunday .
I am not the only one.
A snotty nosed parish councilor was seen walking round a couple of weeks ago with the secretary.
I am a bit annoyed to say the least as mine is a working plot , I can't stand the immaculate plots.
People have to live too. I am having a new kitchen at the moment so having to spend slightly less time on plot.
Anyway, less ranting. Off down plot today with some help and lots of cardboard .
I shall put it round my fruit trees with mushroom compost on top and over some of the weedier areas with squashes and pumpkins planted through the holes. As well as a bit of a tidy up.
Hope that keeps the ........ Happy.
I am going to have to leave my mate to get on with the kitchen , which I don't really want to do.
I don't think I can be kicked off as more notice is needed according to the rules.
I am really p....... Off as it was a jungle with 6 foot brambles and very overgrown when I took it on 5 years ago. The only reason it is not as good as last year has I have had a lot of back problems this year and the lad who helps me has been doing exams. Once they are done we will be down there every day.
Anyway off to load the car with the cardboard from the new kitchen. Recycle and saves filing the skip with it More room for some of our junk.

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:07 am
You're not the only one who has neglected their plot this year . There will always be those with immaculate plots and then there will be the rest of us who attempt to grow what we can . I'm only in my third year and growing the right quantity is far from being mastered . Hopefully you will have done enough to keep folk off your back. Good luck anyway.

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:51 pm
by Pumkinpie
Yes . Not looking too bad now.
Cut comfrey back, did some weeding.
Back killing.
Going to make a big effort to get down every day next week.
Daughter said she will come and help , so she doesn't feel guilty eating what I grow.
Soft fruit starting to ripen anyway so I am going to have to go picking if I don't want it to go to waste.

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:04 pm
by doofaloofa
That sound pretty damn annoying

Parochial politicians can be well meaning do-gooders, though they can also be dick heads, hungry for power with a chip on thier shoulder

Ask if the PC have a written standard,or it is just onthe opinion iof the inspector

If they do not have an official set of standards that are reasonable, evicting people will become problematic

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 10:00 pm
by Pumkinpie
Leamington spa peace festival today .
Bargain of the week 2 pounds for a scythe.
Lots of other tools being recycled too.
Also got lots of veg plants as they were practically giving them away at the end of the event.
Back to the plot tomorow. Trying to tidy up and get the pain in the rear council women off my back

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:10 pm
by bonniethomas06
How annoying, I am actually vicariously annoyed on your behalf! :angryfire:

My plot is a pigsty - I work full time, commute two hours and don't have time to get there every single weekend, but I do what I can and it is a very productive piece of land - just as, if not more so, than the model plots on either side. Their owners are retired and spend their every waking moment down there, so the edges are neat and there isn't a weed in sight.

I can understand if the plot is obviously abandoned, but when it is so subjective to call a plot 'untidy' as doofa says, there surely must be a set of criteria that could justify something as serious as eviction!

I hate allotment politics, ours is terrible. You literally can't move without a sign in your face telling you what NOT to do in BIG UNDERLINED TEXT 'By order of the allotment committee' :angryfire:

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:21 pm
by doofaloofa
Come the revolution...

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:58 pm
by agreenmess
The allotments I am on this time are 100% better than the last lot. the last lot started out being acceptable to anyone and then the committee turned into a bunch of retired have too much time on our hands and have to tell you off every time you’re up for that 1 weed on your allotment. You weren’t even allowed certain fencing due to it not looking aseptically pleasing. They finally gave me the boat, without prior notice, which was in the rules of which they didn't follow because apparently I didn't grow enough. Even though I was up there every day, and I had more produce from the bugger than I could keep, we had jars and jars of preserved fruit and veg not including the chest freezer. To this day I don't know how they can claim that.

Anyhow to the point, I would if you could look for somewhere nicer while you are still at these plots and then move if you can, you'll turn like I did into someone who was depressed to go up to the allotment not happy and at that point it isn't worth it anymore.


Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:22 pm
by Pumkinpie
Went down today.
It's only a light covering of annual weeds that have shot up due to the rain and sun.
Cleared a whole lot of beds today and stuck winter squashes and pumpkins in any beds that were empty.
Saw the secretary today , he is brassed off with the parish council too.
People have lives too and should be allowed to manage the plot how they want as long as it is productive. I would rather have a few annual weeds round my veg than bare soil, as long as there is enough room for the veg.
I am not intending to move plots. I have had mine over five years now and when I took it on it was overgrown with brambles and perennial weeds. It's now productive with a third fruit, a greenhouse , shed and lots of small beds full of veg.
After the time and money I have invested there is no way I am going with out a fight.
I am definitely revolting and I am sure others on my site will join the revolution if we are given too much hassle .
Here's for happy , chilled, cool veg growing.
Up the home grown eggy revolution.
Off now to chat with some other plot holders.
Up the revolution.

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:23 am
by Pumkinpie
Veggy revolution.
Not a eggy one.
It might get a bit messy with all the yolks.

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:44 am
by Flo
We do have an inspection regime on our allotments here. It's been going for years - I think what started it off was someone about 35 years ago dug up a complete buried Ford Prefect.

Anyway we know that there are two inspections a year - April and August. The first one is just to pick up on anyone who has abandoned their plot, haven't lifted a finger since the last inspection, haven't cut their hedges or even dug over or are using the plot as rubbish dumps (you'd be surprised). It picks up on people who have died and no-one has told committee, those who have moved and not said and those who have grown a little older and who are having problems. The second one involves judging for the best kept allotment and most improved allotment which do get cups at the town show (no money, but kudos).

There's a list from A to E of criteria - hedges cut on those plots which have them (one site used to have a lot of pigeon keepers who all planted hedges), tidy paths with no obstructions (the elf and safety thing), fulfillment of the rule that says you must be 75% cultivated (the rest is for pigeon crees and hen keeping) and such like. It seems onerous at first reading but you sign up to the rules that say you must cultivate 75%, cut your hedges, not store rubbish on your plot.

The regime allows the committee to get send those who aren't using their plot on their merry way and let it to someone else who wants to use it and keeps those who are productive plot holders from other people's weeds. Sure there's a bit of leeway if you have a decent excuse but not a lot if you aren't ever going to work your plot.

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:48 pm
by Pumkinpie
Mine looks good compared to both sides, organized with small beds with paths between. The hard work has been done and just needs keeping tidy.
One is completely overgrown with a few pallets dumped in it, never seen the plot holder.
The other has unbuilt greenhouses and sheds dumped on it and is mainly overgrown with a few areas planted up.
Anyway off to do more weeding and sowing tomorrow.
Little and often is my motto. I do my best as I am disabled.
Got my young man back this weekend to do the heavy work . He has not been able to get due to exams.
Give me another week with some help and it should be acceptable to the powers that be.
I just get frustrated when I can see things that need doing and I can't do my self and rely on other people.
There should be some lee way. As I said before I am not going with out a fight.
I might even try to drag my other half down for a couple of hours.
Lots of things to pick tomorrow. Soft fruit starting to ripen.
Sorry about the rant but I am doing my best.

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:56 pm
by Pumkinpie
Got a paid helper for afew hours a week.
Hopefully get it tidied faster.
A stuent who has lotty across from me!

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:42 pm
by Gert
Flo wrote:We do have an inspection regime on our allotments here. It's been going for years - I think what started it off was someone about 35 years ago dug up a complete buried Ford Prefect.
Fantastic :lol:

Re: Allotment tidyness

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:15 pm
by Pumkinpie
More tidying looks a lot better.
Picked and harvested loads today.
News on the allotment politics.
Secretary is standing down at the AGM in October .
He has been banned from the parish council meetings!
I don't know what's going on.
Going to try and find out.
A group of us said it was a shame as in 5 years he has turned a lot of very overgrown allotments in to a productive thriving site. With out him it would still be a overgrown jungle.
Watch this space!