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Growing for Flavour - James Wong

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:54 pm
by sleepyowl
I was given this book by my sister for my birthday & I have to say I'm impressed, he states from the start that he is being biased as to his favourites, but then most books are when it comes recommended varieties. I have found the book easy to read with good hints & tips for increasing flavour of your crops backed up by research, overall I am impressed, though some of his language does come across as a little cocky at times. I know he is not everyone's cup of tea but this book even got my husband interested for once.

Re: Growing for Flavour - James Wong

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:56 am
by Green Aura
He's very knowledgeable but I must admit to finding him rather annoying. I'm not sure if that's his fault or the folk who edit and produce his books/programmes.