living on the land

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margo - newbie
margo - newbie
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Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:52 pm
Facebook Name: james weld

living on the land

Post: # 290958Post James »

Hi there

Having worked for 20 yrs i`m now at a stage where "normal" living is not for me and I need change soon,I have a nice bit of capital built up from buying and doing up my houses as I've lived in them and moved up the housing ladder.
I`m looking for likeminded people with capital to join me in buying around a 20 acre site? in the south west Dorset onwards, to build homes or rebuild old farm houses and barns etc into some kind of communal living where we farm the land together and live together in some way living sustainably solar, wind, bore wells, etc etc. with the end goal to possibly making it a working farm possibly camping and selling produce and making our lives very comfortable from our hard work.

Maybe 4 to 5 people in couples or like me alone joining together to make something happen within the next year. I`m not dreamer and I make things happen but unfortunately I cant do this on my own. If something like this interests you get in touch.


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