Anyone tried Stockholm tar?

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Anyone tried Stockholm tar?

Post: # 206262Post Gem »

I have heard it is good to use on chickens who are being plucked to make them heal up quickly but also to prevent further plucking.

Anyone had any experience of this? Does it work to prevent plucking? I only have two but the mean one is plucking the victimey one. :(


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Re: Anyone tried Stockholm tar?

Post: # 206270Post Tippychooks »

Is it the spray or the painty-onny one? I don't see that it would hurt, it would keep the flies off sore skin and would certainly taste orrible to the peckers. I've not tried it on hens, only on bigger hairies but it seems worth a go.

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Re: Anyone tried Stockholm tar?

Post: # 207125Post Keaniebean »

We have had lots of occasion to use Stockholm tar, it is great for helping to heal a wounded chook, although it seems to slide off bigger gashes :pale: . It certainly wont stop the pecking by any means though.

We are down to just two chickens now, neither of whom lay, one is permanently bald and we tried everything including bumper bits, having the vet clip beaks, sprays, lotions and potions but in the end we gave up. We are just biding our time now until we can get some bantams, I know it sound horrid but they are just taking up space we do not have and are non productive. and have been for over a year :( :( :(

One other thing is make sure you wear disposable gloves as it's an absolute pain to wash off anything.

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