I warmed to this book after that moment of epiphany and it does have tips for all cyclists not just new ones. For instance -
orIf you make a regular journey by bike, leave lock number 2 at your destination. [So you don't have to carry it.]
Perhaps not ground breaking tips but I am sure that most cyclists new and old will find something in this book that jumps out at them and makes them go "ooh, good idea".In all the turmoil of an urban rush hour it's easy to forget that traffic is just people (albeit people in charge of a couple of tons of metal). Lots of them trying to get somewhere..... .... Occasionally, when other road users are impolite or do stupid things, it's tempting to gesticulate or lash out in some way. My advice is to refrain. Let it go..... Get angry is distracting and wastes energy.
So that'sBike Easy by Peter Andrews.