Any home-eds looking for French help?

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Any home-eds looking for French help?

Post: # 177327Post Brij »

So, my brother is 11 and has suffered from Glandular Fever, which is still in his system, so my mum asked me to come up with some French work for him. Anyway, he is getting on in school at the moment, but I'm still happy to continue with the project, and I know a few of you home-ed your offspring, so I was wondering if any of you would be interested in having your kids learn some French?

I am not qualified, but I have some experience in teaching English, I speak very good, albeit not-as-good-as-a-French person French, and having a lot of experience in learning languages, am confident that I'm on the right track with my strategy.

The 'course' consists of pdf and mp3 files sent by me. I suggest you print off the pdfs unless your child is confident with using several windows at a time on the PC. I'm happy to correct work if sent to me by email (provided there aren't hundreds of people interested!).

It has been designed for an 11 year old, but I'd imagine it'd be fine from around the age of 8 - it isn't in big bright colours or anything, and a little drudgery is required to learn any language, but it isn't particularly heavy-going either. Your child will need to be good at reading, capable of typing (and learning to type accents) have the possibility of recording (wav or mp3) sound files (to help with pronunciation) and have access to an internet connection, and be willing to spend a minimum of an hour a week at it. Any less and they won't really learn much. More than 3 hours a week is probably too much though! I'd imagine it'd help if there's an adult on hand to help from time to time.

Obviously, the course has nothing to do with any official syllabus, and I can only guarantee that I can continue with it until the summer - after that and I don't know what my work plans are so I don't know if I will have enough time. At the moment, I am spending around 3-4 hours a week typing up sheets, and I am willing to spend a little more.

So, erm, if there is anyone out there who'd be interested, reply to this topic and/or PM me and I'll see what I can do :flower:
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Re: Any home-eds looking for French help?

Post: # 178378Post sara »

I think thats a lovely offer I only wish my baby was older so I could take you up on it I think learning a language is very important :wave:

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Re: Any home-eds looking for French help?

Post: # 178407Post Brij »

Maybe in 7 years' time I'll still be able to keep the offer open... And be more experienced at it, to boot :flower:
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