Beans, squash corn matrix

June 30, 2008 Trish Ish 0

  I first heard of the Maize, Squash and Bean poly-culture method of planting whilst at University studying for my degree in Nutrition and Food Science. It was a method of planting used across the […]

Roasted Barbecue Vegetables

June 30, 2008 Trish Ish 0

Here is a very simple method for roasting vegetables on a barbecue. Ingredients 2 Carrots 2 Beetroot 2 Parsnips A Courgette Two Cloves of Garlic Some Olive Oil A couple of sprigs of Rosemary Method […]

Beetroot Soup

June 30, 2008 Trish Ish 0

This is a really simple and tasty soup to make. If you are short on beetroot you can always add other roots to the broth. If using carrots add a bit of fresh or powdered […]

Lamb chops with broad beans.

June 29, 2008 Trish Ish 0

CartooLamb knitting This is a lovely recipe that can be served as part or the whole of a meal. Experiment a bit to get the perfect quantities for your needs. Andy makes this occasionally and […]

Easy trout recipe

June 29, 2008 Trish Ish 0

This recipe makes for a lovely tasting trout, in fact Andy (my Twin) had never eaten trout until this was served up for him and he sat in a busy kitchen quietly stuffing his face […]

Vegetable Tangine

June 29, 2008 Trish Ish 0

This dish is a Moroccan specialty but was first introduced to me by an Italian friend of mine called Ros, who came up with the dish after visiting Morocco. It is usually made with meat […]

New World Soup

June 27, 2008 Trish Ish 0

Serves 4 as a main course with bread or 6-8 as a starter. Nearly all the ingredients in this soup were unknown to us prior to the discovery of the Americas. All can be grown […]

Wild Mushroom Pate

May 27, 2008 Trish Ish 0

Dave as a mushroom I made this using Wood Blewits and some small puffballs but any wild mushroom will do. It can be made using normal shop-bought mushrooms but the taste is not nearly as […]

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