Nettle Beer – Andy Hamilton

October 29, 2009 Andy Hamilton 6

Nettle Beer This is an easy recipe to follow and creates a delightful, if not usual tasting beer. It is very cheap to make and follows a traditionally english recipe. Before hops were widely used […]

Homebrewing on the cheap

October 12, 2009 Andy Hamilton 2

When we are skint (poor, broke, brassit) many of us will like to have a glass of something to take our mind off it. Just because we have a book out does not make us […]

Pear Wine – Andy Hamilton

September 14, 2008 Andy Hamilton 0

Dave and I were sitting having a meeting the other day (End of August) and we noticed a massive pear tree laden with pears from the window. Straight after the meeting we ran out to […]

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