Our food system is broken – here’s how to take it back | CommonSpace

Olga Bloemen & Bella Crowe from Nourish Scotland write for CommonSpace on the need for food democracy, and Nourish’s upcoming training programme. Demanding responsible behaviour from corporations hasn’t worked, they say – so it’s time to take back control of the food system.

IN RECENT years, the injustice of our current food system has become more apparent than ever.

The increase in food bank usage, the growing body of research linking food insecurity to poor diets, the prevalence of zero-hour contracts in the food sector, to name but a few of the issues which affect thousands of Scots every day.

As with education and healthcare, food is a basic human need, without which individuals are unable to reach their potential and contribute to society. But unlike education and healthcare (to date) the rules and ideas that govern our food system are not decided by elected governments. Instead it is global corporations that largely dictate how food reaches our plate, with profit-making trumping the provision of healthy, tasty, sustainable food.

Source: Our food system is broken – here’s how to take it back | CommonSpace