Elder Folklore and Growing

June 27, 2013 sitegeek 3

Just as the end of summer is marked by elderberries, the start of summer is always marked by the blossoming of the Elder-tree (Sambucus nigra).  In this article we cover elder folklore and growing tips […]


May 25, 2013 sitegeek 2

Irrigation Regardless if you believe in climate change or not you cannot deny our weather is becoming more unpredictable.  In the past we could rely on steady spring showers watering all our newly planted seedlings. […]

Understanding crop rotation

April 21, 2013 sitegeek 1

The different systems of crop rotation are as varied as the people who employ them. Some will have a four year plan and others will rotate every three years. Some will always start with potatoes […]

Green Manure

August 26, 2012 sitegeek 1

Soil is a very complex living thing. In just one gram there can be over a 1000 million organisms, most of them beneficial to the gardener.  These organisms help weather rocks, releasing their mineral content […]

No-Dig Gardening

May 8, 2012 Trish Ish 2

The following article first appeared in ‘Grow your own’ magazine back in February as part of my ‘Theory Behind…’ series. In traditional gardening and farming, land is weeded and/or cleared of crops before a soil […]

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