Wild Food June

June 1, 2010 Trish Ish 7

June is one of the few times I like being English. It is a time for strawberries and cream, Wimbledon, the Glastonbury festival and weekend pagans drinking heavily at their local standing stones. It is […]

Wild Flower Gardens

October 30, 2009 Andy Hamilton 0

This method of establishing a wild flower garden I stumbled on quite by mistake and have since encouraged others to try the same. After harvesting my carrots I left the land-fallow, I no longer wanted […]

Dandelion crop or pest?

October 30, 2009 Andy Hamilton 8

Dandelions are traditionally a well-know bane of most gardeners, their deep roots make them a tough weed to eliminate from any plot.   To ensure they do not return the entire root must be taken […]

Nettle Beer – Andy Hamilton

October 29, 2009 Andy Hamilton 6

Nettle Beer This is an easy recipe to follow and creates a delightful, if not usual tasting beer. It is very cheap to make and follows a traditionally english recipe. Before hops were widely used […]

Wild Food July

June 23, 2009 Trish Ish 0

Things really start to hot up in July, the evenings are still long, schools are out and Americans celebrate Independence Day. In the world of plants and fungi there is a celebration of it’s own […]

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