Bare essentials

January 5, 2015 green aura 2

When Flo posted this year’s “not buy anything new” thread, over on the forum, it occurred to me that it doesn’t mention personal care products. I assume they are covered under categories such as health […]

Indoor Vegetable Growing

November 27, 2014 Odsox 3

Many people grow pot plants on their windowsills, and they are almost always flower plants, so why not edible vegetable plants ? There could be a number of reasons why growing vegetables indoors might seem […]

Become a vegetable “expert”

November 18, 2014 Odsox 2

Sowing vegetable seeds, how difficult can it be? It’s easy, it must be, all you have to do is follow the instructions on the packet,don’t you? Well, yes and no, depending on where you live, […]

Sloes: Not just for gin

October 27, 2014 zech 4

If you’ve read MKG’s series, Taking the fear out of wine making – and if you haven’t, I’d recommend it – you’ll know that it’s possible to start making wine with very little by way […]

Foment in the ferments part 3

October 14, 2014 green aura 2

Well someone has to say it – if you’re going to make your own Christmas cake you need to start planning it just about now. I know no-one wants to think about Christmas yet (OK […]

Rose hips: Why bother?

September 29, 2014 zech 8

The hedgerows are dotted with the little red gems that are rose hips and they’re almost too pretty to pick, so why would you? For a start, rose hips are very rich in vitamin C, […]

Hydroponics Explained

September 21, 2014 Odsox 1

At first glance hydroponics is wrong, plain wrong, how can you grow anything other than water lilies in water. After all, read any gardening book about container growing and they will tell you that overwatering […]

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