Foment in the ferments part 2

September 19, 2014 green aura 4

………Although I live in Scotland I’m a born and bred Derbyshire lass and there’s one thing that’s dear to my heart that is common to both places. Oatcakes. Except that’s two things because they’re very […]

What to do if you get potato blight

September 16, 2014 zech 0

If you grow potatoes, they’ll almost certainly get blight at some point. The first sign is brown spots on the leaves, which may have yellow borders. This quickly spreads and withers all the leaves, until […]

Foment in the ferments…

September 12, 2014 green aura 3

I try not to eat too many carbs – as in not too much bread, rice, pasta, spuds etc and I very rarely eat sweet stuff. Spuds and pasta were never my favourites, so I […]

Homebrew Thoughts from a B-Road

September 10, 2014 mkg 0

I often wonder how many people of a certain age – my age, really – can sometimes walk, at about 8.30 am, past a pub with its doors thrown wide open as the cleaners do […]

New design and a fixed forum

August 27, 2014 sitegeek 0

Hi there Ishers, lurkers and other random viewers from the internet. We have a new design for the main site, all the content is there just a few tweaks for future expansion plans, things are […]

Elderflower Cordial 2

June 4, 2014 Trish Ish 0

Elderflower Cordial 2 An easy recipe for bulk amounts There are countless recipes for elderflower cordial. Here is one for making bulk amounts taught to me by a Swedish girl. We do have a recipe […]

Jobs to be done in May

May 8, 2014 sitegeek 0

Here’s another very old article I’ve decided to resurrect, some of the links go to the old website and may look a little dated now! The garden in May can be a busy time for […]

Growing in Small Spaces part 1

March 11, 2014 Trish Ish 10

Growing in a small space tests even the greenest of fingers. Part of the problem could be the light or lack of it. Another problem with growing in a small space could be the lack […]

Winter foraging

February 17, 2014 Trish Ish 6

Winter foraging may seem a bit of a waste of time, surely nothing grows during the dark, wet days of winter.  It’s true that there is a lot less than at other times of the […]

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